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Abgeschickt von sw.an.sargam am 14 Februar, 2006 um 19:54:36

Moin Moin,

sicher hast Du auch die Email von Sw. Sarmad erhalten. Unter einem Foto von Osho mit Filzstift übermalten Augenbrauen und Schnurbart ist zu lesen:

Defame Me, Deface Me, Color Me Ecstatic
Blasphemy Welcomed
Meditate - Celebrate
In all events remain playful
"All beliefs are barriers to the truth"
"Seriousness is a dis-ease"
"Be a joke unto yourself"
Tired of that old testament crap, religions at each others throats, people killing for their unbelievable beliefs. Apoplexy over cartoons. Had enough?
You, We, and the world at large, need a dose of real fun spirituality.
In short, we need Zorba The Buddha...
aka Osho, a man for our times, for all times.
Oh, but wait, the USA destroyed his commune, expelled him (he was too much fun, and so blasphemous) and nearly killed him. Serious religion is, as we see again and again, very dangerous - especially to all you non-dogmatic, non-serious, playful types who present such an irritating contrast to the forever self-righteous and fighting true believers.

Osho... the Zen testament man... God, do we need him now.

"Osho (Rajneesh) is an enlightened master, who is working with all possibilities to help humanity overcome a difficult phase in developing consciousness."
H.H. Dalai Lama, Bodhgaya February 3, 1983

"In a hundred years more copies of Osho's works will have been printed than the bible itself."
M.V. Kamath, Illustrated Weekly of India

Ich besuchte die Websites LINKS und fand eine noch wesentliche umfangreichere Sammlung. Ich hatte schon viel Freude dabei, auch wenn einige LINKS davon nicht aufgehen, es lohnt sich auch so...

Übrigens, die Seite 'OshoBoulder.org' ist jetzt: http://www.zorbathebuddha.net/ und wird von Sw. Sarmad unterhalten?

In Love, Sargam


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